If you wish to purchase any of these items through these links, we will receive a commission. Your cost will be unaffected. We will periodically add to this as we identify further resources that we would like to share:
Books from Recent Programs:
Hidden Star, Corinne Joy Brown.
Ladino Textbooks:
Beginner’s Ladino by Alla Markova
Gramatica basica de Djudeo espanyol Spanish Edition by Ferran Marin Ramos
Ladino Dictionaries:
Ladino-English-English-Ladino Concise Dictionary by Elli Kohen
Diccionario basico ladino-espanol by Pascual Recuero
Sheet Music:
Nico Castel Ladino Songbook
The Ladino Fakebook Songs in Judeo-Spanish Melody Lyrics Chords
Ladino Literature:
Las Aventuras de Alisia en el Paiz de las Maraviyas Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in Ladino
The Little Prince Ladino El Princhipiko Trezladado del franzes al ladino
The Diario The Daring Escape of Two Sephardic Jews from Turkey to America During World War I Hardcover, by Alfred Ascher, Gloria J Ascher
One Hundred Saturdays: Stella Levi and the Search for a Lost World – Available in Hardcover, paperback and Kindle
Children’s Books in Ladino — many of these and more are available from PJLibrary which also has a wide range of Jewish books and resources for children. If you have not signed up your children or grandchildren for PJLibrary‘s free monthly books, we highly recommend them and would gladly forego our commission to encourage our children’s reading of Jewish books.
Nono’s Kisses for Sephardic Children
Buen Shabat Shabbat Shalom by Sarah Aroeste
Mazal Bueno by Sarah Aroeste
Ora de Despertar Time to Wake Up by Sarah Aroeste
Sephardic Customs:
A Treasury of Sephardic Laws and Customs
Amazon does not have this available, but it is a great reference. Abe Books frequently has used copies in good condition available (we won’t get a commission from them, but that’s okay)
Exploring Sephardic Customs and Traditions