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Hanukah Party and Board Installation, December 9, 2018 at Rafina Greek Taverna in Boca Raton.
Elliot Colchamiro Presentation
The Sephardi Federation of Palm Beach County hosted Kehila Kedosha Janina Synagogue and Museum Board Member, Elliot Colchamiro at a “Vijita de Alhad” on October 14, 2018. There were approximately 80 members and guests present. Rose P. Allen, president of The SFPBC presented Elliot with a check made out to KKJS&M for all the work that they do. Elliot frequently speaks to different groups on Romaniote and Greek Jews. He loves to share his heritage and has prepared a wonderful PowerPoint on the history of Greek Jewry, including his family tree and the history of the KKJS&M.
Model Seder en Ladino, March 21 2018
Hanukah Party, December 17, 2017 at Taverna Kyma