Fascinating Sephardim: A Film Series: Challah Rising in the Desert
March 19 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Wednesdays at The Sandler Center
“Fascinating Sephardim: A Film Series” at 1:00pm In-Person with Rose Pappo Allen
$8/$10 Members/Guests Prepaid $40/$45 Members/Guests for all 5 films. Tickets 561-558-2520
This film series examines places in the world where wandering communities of Sephardic Jewry took root, expanding the diversity of world Jewish history and heritage. This season the film selection will feature Sephardim in America; their roots and immigrant experience. Each film viewing will be followed by in-depth discussion providing historic and cultural context to the subject as well as Q&R.
~ Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 1PM
Challah Rising in the Desert, The Jews of New Mexico
A cinematic celebration of the history and people of New Mexico’s unique Jewish community. Five waves of Jewish settlement include Conversos escaping the Spanish Inquisition 400 years ago, German merchants on the Santa Fe Trail in the early 1800’s, international scientists at Los Alamos in the 1940’s and the counterculture of the 1960’s. A moving tapestry of the Jewish experience woven into New Mexico’s fascinating landscape and history.
2017, 84 mins. English. Isaac Artenstein