Some of our favorite Passover readings and songs in Ladino

Sarajevo Agadah

Click here for a printable PDF of these readings and songs: Ladino Passover Songs 2021

Click here for a full Ladino-English-Hebrew Aggadah: Seattle Ladino Agada – 2020 – revised

Este el Pan de la Afrisyon

This is the Bread of Affliction * Ha Laĥma Anya
Este el pan de la afrisyon ke komieron muestros padres en tierra de Ayfto. Todo el ke tiene ambre venga i koma. Todo el ken tiene de menester venga i paskue. Este anyo aki, a el anyo el vienen en Tierra de Yisrael. Este anyo aki siervos, a el anyo el vienen en Tierra de Yisrael ijos foros.
This is the bread of affliction that our fathers ate in the land of Egypt. Whoever is hungry, come and eat; whoever is in need, come and celebrate Passover with us. Now we are here, next year may we be in Eretz Yisrael. Now we are here as slaves; next year may we be in Eretz Yisrael as free people.

The 4 Questions in Ladino (note that the traditional Sephardi sequence is different from the traditional Ashkenazi sequence)

Kuanto fue demuda la noche la esta mas ke todas las noches?
1.     Ke en todas las noches non nos entinyentes afilu vez una, i la noche esta dos vezes?
2.     Ke en todas las noches nos komientes levdo o sesenya i la noche la esta todo el sesensya?
3.     Ke en todas las noches nos komientes resto de verduras i la noche la esta lechuga?
4.     Ke en todas las noches nos komientes i bevientes tanto asentados i tanto areskovados i la moche la esta todos nos areskovados?
Why is this night different from all other nights?
1. On all other nights, we do not dip even once. Tonight, why do we dip the greens twice?
2. On all other nights, we eat hametz or matzah. Tonight, why do we eat only matzah?
3. On all other nights, we eat any kind of herbs. Tonight, why do we eat the bitter herbs?
4. On all other nights, we eat sitting or reclining. Tonight, why do we all recline?

Siervos Huimos

We Were Slaves * Avadim Hayinu
Siervos fuimos a Paró en Ayifto, i mos kitó Adonai muestro Dyo de ayi, kon poder fuerte i kon braso tendido. I si no sakava El Santo Bendicho El a muestros padres de Ayifto, ayinda nos i muestros ijos, i ijos de muestros ijos, sojeftos éramos a Paró en Ayifto. I aunke todos nos savios, todos nos entendidos, todos nos savientes a la ley, enkomendánsa sovre nos por rekontar en salidura de Ayifto. I todo el ke muchigua por rekontar en salidura de Ayifto, de syerto este es alavado. We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt and the Lord our God brought us out from there with a strong hand and an outstretched arm; and if the Holy One, blessed be He, had not brought out our fathers from Egypt, we, our children and our children’s children would still be enslaved to Pharaoh in Egypt. Therefore, even if we were all wise, understanding and well versed in the Torah we would still be obliged to tell the story of the exodus from Egypt; and the more one discusses it, the more worthy of praise is he. 

The Ten Plagues

  1. Blood (Sangre)………………………………….……. דָּם
  2. Frogs (Ranas)………………………………………. צְפַרְדֵּֽעַ
  3. Vermin (piojos)…………………………………………………. כִּנִּים
  4. Wild Animals (mestura)……………………………..עָרוֹב
  5. Cattle Epidemic (muertaldad)……………………..דֶּֽבֶר
  6. Boils (Sarna)….……….………………………..…… שְׁחִין
  7. Hail (pedrisco).………………………………….…… בָּרָד
  8. Locusts (langosta)….………………………………אַרְבֶּה
  9. Darkness (escuridad)……………………………….. חֹֽשֶׁךְ
  10. Death of the Firstborn (ferida de mayores)…..מַכַּת בְּכוֹרוֹת

Mos Abastava

This rendition sounds like a traditional Sephardic Hazan. Click on his name to listen.
Alberto Mizrahi
Enough – Dayyenu
Kuantos grados buenos a el Kriador sovre nos:
Si mos kitava de Ayifto, i non aziya en eyos justisias,.….mos abastava
Si aziya en eyos justisias, i non aziya en sus dyoses, ….mos abastava
Si aziya en sus dyoses, i non matava a sus mayores, …….mos abastava
Si matava a sus mayores, i non dava a nos sus asyendas, .mos abastava
Si dava a nos sus asyendas, i non rasgava a nos a la mar, …mos abastava
Si rasgava a nos a la mar, i non mos aziya pasar entre eya por lo seko, …………………………………….mos abastava
Si mos aziya pasar entre eya por lo seko, i non afinkava muestros angustiadores entre el, ………….mos abastava
Si afinkava muestros angustiadores entre el, i non abastesia muestro menester en el dizierto kuarenta anyos, ……………….mos abastava
Si abastesia muestro menester en el dizierto kuarenta anyos, i non mos aziya Komer a la magna, ……………………..………….mos abastava
Si mos aziya komer a la magna, i non dava a nos a el Shabbat, ……………………………..……….mos abastava
Si dava a nos a el Shabbat, i non mos ayegava delantre monte de Sinai, ………………….………….mos abastava
Si mos ayegava delantre monte de Sinai, I non dava a nos a la ley, ………………………………….…….mos abastava
Si dava a nos a la ley, i non mos aziya entrar en tierra de Yisrael, ………………………………………mos abastava
Si mos aziya entrar en tierra de Yisrael, I non fraguava a nos a kaza de el Santuvario, ………………mos abastava
How many degrees of goodness has God’s presence bestowed  upon us:
Had He brought us out of Egypt, and not executed judgments against the Egyptians,……It would have been enough–Dayyenu
Had He executed judgments against the Egyptians, and not their gods, –Dayyenu
Had He executed judgments against their gods and not put to death their firstborn, –Dayyenu
Had He put to death their firstborn, and not given us their riches, –Dayyenu
Had He given us their riches, and not split the Sea for us, –Dayyenu
Had He split the Sea for us, and not led us through it on dry land, –Dayyenu
Had He led us through it on dry land, and not sunk our foes in it, –Dayyenu
Had He sunk our foes in it, and not satisfied our needs in the desert for forty years, –Dayyenu
Had He satisfied our needs in the desert for forty years, and not fed us the manna, –Dayyenu
Had He fed us the manna, and not given us the Sabbath, –Dayyenu
Had He given us the Sabbath, and not brought us to Mount Sinai, –Dayyenu
Had He brought us to Mount Sinai, and not given us the Torah, –Dayyenu
Had He given us the Torah, and not brought us into Israel, –Dayyenu
Had He brought us into Israel, and not built the Temple for us,—Dayyenu – Mos Abastava
Sovre una kuanta mas i kuanta mas, buena, doblada, i redoblada a el Kriador sovre nos. Mos kito de Agyfto, izo en eyos justicias, izo en sus dyoses, mato sus mayores, dyo a nos a sus asyendas, rasgo a nos a la mar, mos izo pasar entre eya por lo seko, afinko muestros angustiadores entre eya, izo abastecer muestro menester en el dizierto kuarenta anyos, mos izo komer a la magna, dyo a el Shabbat, mos izo ayegar delantre monte de Sinai, dyo a nos a la ley, mos izo entrar a tierra de Yisrael, i fraguo a nos a kaza de la Escojidura, por perdonar sovre todos muestros delitos.
How much  more so, then should we be grateful to God for the numerous favors that He bestowed upon us:  He brought us out of Egypt, and punished the Egyptians; He smote their gods, and slew their firstborn; He gave us their wealth and split the Sea for us; He led us through it on dry land, and sunk our foes in it; He sustained us in the desert for forty years, and fed us with the manna; He gave us the Sabbath, and brought us to Mount Sinai; He gave us the Torah, and brought us to Israel; He built the Temple for us, to atone for all our sins.

Non Komo Muestro Dyo

En Kelohenu in Ladino, usually sung in both Hebrew and Ladino
And check at renditions from these performers on YouTube by clicking their names:
Rebecca Garfein– -This one is like what I remember at the Shaare Rahamim in the Bronx
Richard Botton
Flory Jagoda
As an alternative to Shir Hama’alot to introduce the Birkat HaMazon
אֵין כֵּאלֹהֵינוּ, אֵין כַּאדוֹנֵינוּ, אֵין כְּמַלְכֵּנוּ, אֵין כְּמוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ
(En Kelohenu, en kadonenu, en k’malkenu, en k’moshienu)
Non komo muestro Dyo, non komo muestro senyor, non komo muestro rey, non komo muestro salvador
מִי כֵאלֹהֵינוּ, מִי כַאדוֹנֵינוּ, מִי כְמַלְכֵּנוּ, מִי כְמוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ
(Mi Kelohenu, mi kadonenu, mi k’malkenu, mi k’moshienu)
Ken komo muestro Dyo, ken komo muestro senyor, ken komo muestro rey, ken komo muestro salvador
נוֹדֶה לֵאלֹהֵינוּ, נוֹדֶה לַאדוֹנֵֽנוּ, נוֹדֶה למַלְכֵּנוּ, נוֹדֶה לְמוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ.
(Nodeh Lelohenu, nodeh ladonenu, nodeh l’malkenu, nodeh l’moshienu)
Loaremos a muestro Dyo, loaremos a muestro senyor, loaremos a muestro rey, loaremos a muestro salvador
בָּרוּךְ אֱלֹהֵינוּ, בָּרוּךְ אֲדוֹנֵינוּ, בָּרוּךְ מַלְכֵּנוּ, בָּרוּךְ מוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ.
(Barukh elohenu, barukh adonenu, barukh  malkenu, barukh  moshienu)
Bendisho muestro Dyo, bendisho muestro senyor, bendisho muestro rey, bendisho muestro salvador
אַתָּה הוּא אֱלֹהֵינוּ, אַתָּה הוּא אֲדוֹנֵינוּ, אַתָּה הוּא מַלְכֵּנוּ, אַתָּה הוּא מוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ.
(Ata hu elohenu, at hu adonenu, ata hu malkenu, ata hu moshienu)
Tu el muestro Dyo, tu el muestro senyor, tu el muestro rey, tu el muestro salvador
אַתָּה תוֹשִיעֵנוּ, אַתָּה תָקוּם, תְּרַחֵם צִיּוֹן, כִּי-עֵת לְחֶנְנָהּ. כִּי בָא מוֹעֵד.
( Ata toshienu, ata  takum, t’raĥem tzion, ki et l’ĥen’nah. Ki va moed.)

Ya Komimos

Ladino Conclusion to Birkat HaMazon
Ya Komimos
We Have Eaten (English Translation)
Ya komimos, y bevimos, i al Dyo santo Barukh Hu u-Barukh Shemo bendishimos; ke mos dio i mos dara pan para komer, i panyos para vestir i anyos para bivir. El Padre el grande ke mande al chico asegun tenemos de menester para muestras cazas i para muestros hijos. El Dio mos oiga i mos aresponda i mos apiade por su nombre el grande, somos almikas sin pekado.
Hodu L’Adonai ki tov ki le-olam hasdo.
Hodu L’Adonai ki tov ki le-olam hasdo.
Siempre mijor, nunka peor, nunka mos manke la meza del Kriador. Amen.
We have eaten, and we drank, and to The Holy One, Blessed Be He we blessed; that gave us and will give us bread to eat, and clothes to wear, and years to live. The Great Father that gives to the little one, gives to us our needs for our homes and for our children. God hears us and answers us and has pity on us, because of His Great Name, we are little souls without sin.
Give thanks to The Lord, for He is good, for His Mercy endures forever.
Give thanks to The Lord, for He is good, for His Mercy endures forever.
Always better, never worse, never should the table of The Creator lack for us. Amen


This is an alternative to Birkat HaMazon from the Western Sephardi (Spanish and Portuguese) Tradition that has become popular among Sephardim from many backgrounds
And check out renditions from these performers on YouTube by clicking their names:
Rabbi Shuviel Ma’aravi
Monges do Mosteiro de São Bento
London Spanish and Portuguese Choir (Bevis Marks)
Bendigamos al Altissimo,
al Sinyor que nos crio.
Demosle agradecimiento
por los bienes que nos Dio.

Alabado sea su Santo Nombre, 
porque siempre nos apiado. 
Load al Sinyor que es bueno, 
que para siempre su merced.

Bendigamos al Altissimo,
por su Ley primeramente,
que liga a nuestra raza
con el cielo continuamente.

Alabado sea su Santo Nombre, 
porque siempre nos apiado. 
Load al Sinyor que es bueno, 
que para siempre su merced.

Bendigamos al Altissimo,
por el pan segundamente.
i tambien por los manjeres
que comimos juntamente

Pues comimos i bebimos alegremente,
su merced nunca nos falto. 
Load al Sinyor que es bueno, 
que para siempre su merced.

Bendita sea casa esta,
el hogar de su presensia,
donde guardamos su fiesta
con alegria i permanencia.

Alabado sea su Santo Nombre, 
porque siempre nos apiado. 
Load al Sinyor que es bueno, 
que para siempre su merced.

Hodu l’Adonai ki tov, ki le-olam hasdo.
Hodu l’Adonai ki tov, ki le-olam hasdo.

Sea Akseptado * May it be accepted

וְתִּזְכּוּ לְֹשָנִים  רַבּוֹת נְעִימוֹת וְטוֹבוֹת
May you be worthy of many good and pleasant years.
לְשָׁנָה הַבָּאָה בִּירוּשָׁלָֽיִם
אָמֵן, כֵּן יְהִי רָצוֹן
Amen, may this be His will.

Ken Supiense

Who Knows One? EĤAD MI YODEA
(Ladino version of Eĥad Mi Yodeah? from the Altabet family tradition)

And check out renditions from these performers on YouTube by clicking their names:

Yehoram Gaon
Françoise Atlan
Shanà Tovà
Ken supiense i entendiense, Alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo es el uno, Kualo es el uno?
Uno es el Kreador, uno es el Kreador,
Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is one?
One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los dos, Kualo son los dos?
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is two?
Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los tres, Kualo son los tres?
Tres muestros padres son, Avraham, Isaak i Yakov,
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is three?
Three are the fathers of Israel, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los kuatro, Kualo son los Kuatro?
Kuatro madres de Yisrael, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, Raĥel,
Tres muestros padres son, Avraham, Isaak i Yakov,
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is four?
Four are the mothers of Israel, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah and Rachel; Three are the fathers of Israel, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los sinko, Kualo son los sinko?
Sinko livros de la lei,
Kuatro madres de Yisrael, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, Raĥel,
Tres muestros padres son, Avraham, Isaak i Yakov,
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is five?
Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah and Rachel; Three are the fathers of Israel, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los sesh, Kualo son los sesh?
Sesh sedres de la Mishna,      Sinko livros de la lei,
Kuatro madres de Yisrael, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, Raĥel,
Tres muestros padres son, Avraham, Isaak i Yakov,
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is six?
Six are the orders of the Mishnah; Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah and Rachel; Three are the fathers of Israel, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los siete, Kualo son los siete?
Siete dias de la semana,
Sesh sedres de la Mishna,      Sinko livros de la lei,
Kuatro madres de Yisrael, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, Raĥel,
Tres muestros padres son, Avraham, Isaak i Yakov,
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is seven?
Seven are the days of the week; Six are the orders of the Mishnah; Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah and Rachel; Three are the fathers of Israel, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los ocho, Kualo son los ocho?
Ocho dias de brit mila,     Siete dias de la semana,
Sesh sedres de la Mishna,      Sinko livros de la lei,
Kuatro madres de Yisrael, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, Raĥel,
Tres muestros padres son, Avraham, Isaak i Yakov,
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is eight?
Eight are the days to circumcision; Seven are the days of the week; Six are the orders of the Mishnah; Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah and Rachel; Three are the fathers of Israel, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los mueve, Kualo son los mueve?
Mueve mezes de la prenyada,
Ocho dias de brit mila,     Siete dias de la semana,
Sesh sedres de la Mishna,      Sinko livros de la lei,
Kuatro madres de Yisrael, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, Raĥel,
Tres muestros padres son, Avraham, Isaak i Yakov,
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is nine?
Nine are the months to childbirth; Eight are the days to circumcision; Seven are the days of the week; Six are the orders of the Mishnah; Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah and Rachel; Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los diez, Kualo son los diez?
Diez mandamientos de la lei,     Mueve mezes de la prenyada,
Ocho dias de brit mila,     Siete dias de la semana,
Sesh sedres de la Mishna,      Sinko livros de la lei,
Kuatro madres de Yisrael, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, Raĥel,
Tres muestros padres son, Avraham, Isaak i Yakov,
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is ten?
Ten are the commandments; Nine are the months to childbirth; Eight are the days to circumcision; Seven are the days of the week; Six are the orders of the Mishnah; Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah and Rachel; Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los onze, Kualo son los onze?
Onze estrellas de sueno de Yossef,
Diez mandamientos de la lei,     Mueve mezes de la prenyada,
Ocho dias de brit mila,     Siete dias de la semana,
Sesh sedres de la Mishna,      Sinko livros de la lei,
Kuatro madres de Yisrael, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, Raĥel,
Tres muestros padres son, Avraham, Isaak i Yakov,
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
 Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is eleven?
Eleven are the stars in Joseph’s dream; Ten are the commandments; Nine are the months to childbirth; Eight are the days to circumcision; Seven are the days of the week; Six are the orders of the Mishnah; Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah and Rachel; Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los dodje, Kualo son los dodje?
Dodje trivos de Yisrael,     Onze estrellas de sueno de Yossef,
Diez mandamientos de la lei,     Mueve mezes de la prenyada,
Ocho dias de brit mila,     Siete dias de la semana,
Sesh sedres de la Mishna,      Sinko livros de la lei,
Kuatro madres de Yisrael, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, Raĥel,
Tres muestros padres son, Avraham, Isaak i Yakov,
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
 Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is twelve?
Twelve are the tribes of Israel;  Eleven are the stars in Joseph’s dream; Ten are the commandments; Nine are the months to childbirth; Eight are the days to circumcision; Seven are the days of the week; Six are the orders of the Mishnah; Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah and Rachel; Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.
Ken supiense i entendiense, alavar al Dyo kriense, Kualo son los treidje, Kualo son los tredje?
Tredje anyos de komplas minyan,
dodje trivos de Yisrael,     onze estrellas de sueno de Yossef,
Diez mandamientos de la lei,     Mueve mezes de la prenyada,
Ocho dias de brit mila,     Siete dias de la semana,
Sesh sedres de la Mishna,      Sinko livros de la lei,
Kuatro madres de Yisrael, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, Raĥel,
Tres muestros padres son, Avraham, Isaak i Yakov,
Dos Moshe i Aaron, uno es el Kreador,
Uno es el Kreador, barukh U uvarukh sh’mo
Who knows and understands, praised be exalted God?  What is thirteen?
Thirteen is the age for completing a minyan; Twelve are the tribes of Israel;  Eleven are the stars in Joseph’s dream; Ten are the commandments; Nine are the months to childbirth; Eight are the days to circumcision; Seven are the days of the week; Six are the orders of the Mishnah; Five are the books of the Torah; Four are the mothers of Israel, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah and Rachel; Two are Moshe and Aaron; One is the Creator.

Un Kavritco

And check at renditions from these performers on YouTube by clicking their names:
Yehoram Gaon
Joëlle Partner
(Ladino version of Had Gadya from the Altabet family tradition)
Un kavritiko, un kavritiko, ke lo merko mi padre por dos levanim, por  dos levanim.
I vino el gato i se komyo el kavritiko, ke lo merko mi padre por dos levanim, por dos levanim.
I vino el perro i ke mordio el gato, ke se komyo el kavritiko, ke lo merko mi padre por dos levanim, por dos levanim.
I vino el palo i aharvo el perro, ke mordio el gato, ke se komyo el kavritiko, ke lo merko mi padre por dos levanim, por dos levanim.
I vino el fuego i kemo el palo, ke aharvo el perro, ke mordio el gato, ke se komyo el kavritiko, ke lo merko mi padre por dos levanim, por dos levanim.
I vino la agua i ya mato el fuego, ke kemo el palo, ke aharvo el perro, ke mordio el gato, ke se komyo el kavritiko, ke lo merko mi padre por dos levanim, por dos levanim.
I vino el buey i se bevio la agua,  ke ya mato el  fuego,  ke kemo el palo,  ke aharvo el perro, ke mordio el gato, ke se  komyo  el  kavritiko,  ke  lo merko mi  padre  por  dos levanim, por dos levanim.
I vino el shoket i degollo el buey, ke se bevio la agua, ke ya mato el fuego,  ke kemo el palo,  ke aharvo el perro, ke mordio el gato,  ke se komyo el kavritiko,  ke lo merko mi padre por dos levanim, por dos levanim.
I vino el malakh amavet i degollo shoket, ke degollo al buey, ke se bevio la agua, ke ya mato el fuego, ke kemo el palo, ke  aharvo el perro,  ke mordio el gato,  ke se komyo  el kavritiko,  ke lo merko mi padre por dos levanim,  por  dos levanim.
I vino el Santo Bendicho i degollo el malakh amavet, ke degollo shoket, ke degollo al buey,  ke se bevio la agua,  ke ya mato el fuego,  ke kemo el palo,  ke aharvo el perro, ke mordio el gato,  ke se komyo el kavritiko,  ke lo merko mi padre por dos levanim, por dos levanim.
One kid, one kid that Father bought for two zuzim; One kid, one kid.
The cat came and ate the kid that father bought for two zuzim; One kid, one kid.
The dog came and bit the cat that ate the kid that father bought for two zuzim; One kid, one kid.
The stick came and beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that father bought for two zuzim; One kid, one kid.
The fire came and burned the stick that beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that father bought for two zuzim; One kid, one kid.
The water came and quenched the fire that burned the stick that beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that father bought for two zuzim; One kid, one kid.
The ox came and drank the water that quenched the fire that burned the stick that beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that father bought for two zuzim; One kid, one kid.
The slaughterer came and killed the ox that drank the water that quenched the fire that burned the stick that beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that father bought for two zuzim; One kid, one kid.
The angel of death came and slew the slaughterer that killed the ox that drank the water that quenched the fire that burned the stick that beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that father bought for two zuzim; One kid, one kid.
The Holy One, blessed be He, came and slew the angel of death that slew the slaughterer that killed the ox that drank the water that quenched the fire that burned the stick that beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that father bought for two zuzim; One kid, one kid.